Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Tell me….

Filled with eagerness
Tell me more
Of everything I don’t know

Birds and sky
The moon and light
Of people quibbling
By my side

If you tell me I shall know
Of the present, the future and all that is worn
I trust, I fail, I get hurt, don’t know where is the end to this start....

If you tell me I shall know
My love, my friend or my foe.

Filled with Eagerness, I want to know
            Why do we cry and why is it so!!


  1. "I trust, I fail, I get hurt, don’t know where is the end to this start"
    just too gud...

  2. Very interesting subject.. hard to imagine this could be so poetically presented as well... A wonderful piece.. you seem to be maturing as a poet.. do we see another Eliot here????

  3. hey abhi...thank you so much for appreciating...but be rest assured nothing like an Eliot would emerge!

  4. I loved the line "Why do we cry and why is it so!!".
    I think I get a hint of emotions that you were going through while writing this.

    Keep writing ;)

  5. Keep Writing Aditisom.... A nice piece of Art....I am sure you will come up with more treats. All the best..
