Monday, 8 August 2011

The Fear…

Heart’s aching
Don’t know what to do
Will I die?
Or is it shrills of fear

I ponder, look around
Nothing seems to approach
Yet an ache, a torrid one
That leaves me edgy  

Relax, calm down, relax
I’m told.
How long I want to know
I’m scared, it aches

Stifled I stay on
Compose is all I can do
Right within my heart,
I tell myself….

Look Ahead, Face It and You Shall Overcome.


  1. Another nice poem. I would emphasize more on the last line :)

    Take care.

  2. Nice one... looks like a contiuation to 'Hum honge kaamyab / We shall overcome'... but nice... Personally, would have loved if you went on to explain more on what the fear is or how the emotion grew and matured and finally died... To me, it looked like you started it very beautifully but as it started to progress, it was finished, abruptly (No offence intended).

  3. Let fear not daunt your spirit
    Let your head be held high.
    Let your mind be free as air you breath
    Let your heart spread its wings and fly high

  4. Happiness has its own ways
    People spend their lives searching for it
    But it finds its own way into people's lives.

  5. Hey Abhilash....i wouldn't agree to you totally, though appreciate what you said. it was a unknown feeling hence for me it was more of assuring myself that come what may i shall walk through it successfully! :)

  6. Sudden...i did, i am and will always do it! :)

  7. Nice...Bengalis are born i would like to read something which would be on a lighter note...and try Bengali poetry...i've learnt Bengali ekto ekto...:)

  8. yes Spriha...hopefully sometime soon...
